PT KB Valbury Sekuritas (“KBVS”) is registered and supervised by The Financial Services Authority and acts as a sales agent for bond products issued by the government or corporations.

The general terms and conditions are as follows:

  • Before buying bond products, Customer must read and understand the summary product information.

  • Customer must be an Indonesian citizen with an identification card that was listed at Directorate of Population and Civil Affairs.

  • Customer already has Single Investor Identification (SID) & has Securities Sub Account KBVS.

  • Have a bank account that can be used for receiving coupons at early redemption or deadlines.

  • Verification process and approval for product opening is the sole authority of KBVS.

  • Other provisions related to the product and/or services, as long as it is not regulated differently in this general terms and conditions, it is stated that it remains valid and binding on the customer.

  • Customer hereby  agrees and acknowledge that KBVS has the right to fix/change/complete this general terms and conditions (“Changes”).

  • KBVS will inform customers for every change in benefits, cost, risk and this general terms and conditions through communication media that is available to KBVS and if the customer does not agree with those aforementioned changes, then customer can send a statement of objection to KBVS within 30 (thirty) working days since the changes was sent/announced through communication media that is available to KBVS. In terms of customer wanting to end/close down product and/or services that has been obtained, then customer is required to complete all their obligations first. When the time period has passed, customer agrees that KBVS will assume the customer to have agreed to the changes.

  • Customer can submit complains regarding transactions/services through the nearest KBVS branch office or help desk (+62 21 25098300) or through email at [email protected] verbally or in writing. The procedures regarding customer complaint services can be accessed through

  • PT KB Valbury Sekuritas is registered and supervised by OJK, therefore, this general terms and conditions has been adjusted to The Financial Services Authority rules.

  • The customer hereby grants authority to FUNDtastic+ (PT. NSI), the online retail SBN distribution partner, to process the creation of SIDs and/or securities accounts.

By purchasing SBN and SBSN through KB Valbury Sekuritas, I agree to the applicable general terms and conditions.

Before proceeding with your transaction, do you already have a stock account with KBVS?