BBCA - Collaborating with BCA Syariah, Muhammadiyah expands financial service providers
BBCA - Collaborating with BCA Syariah, Muhammadiyah expands financial service providers Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (PP) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with BCA Syariah Bank at the PP Muhammadiyah Office, Yogyakarta. The general chairman of the PP, Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir, said that this MoU would have an impact, namely increasing the standard of living for many people. "We, together with BCA, are trying to build for the benefit of many people," hoped Haedar. President and Director of BCA Syariah Yuli Melati Suryaningrum said that his party had long wanted to enter into an MoU with PP Muhammadiyah. This is because of the large Muhammadiyah network, both in education, health, and social and economic matters throughout Indonesia. Apart from that, BCA Syariah also cares about improving welfare, focusing on improving the community's economy, especially women in MSMEs, which in 2023-2024 will reach 1,949 participants. (Source : Bisnis Indonesia) Comments : The MoU will benefit BCA syariah banking unit. The massive Muhammadiyah ecosystem will also strengthened BCA footprint in penetrating and developing its business in the massive untapped syariah banking industry. Maintain BUY with GGM-TP based on IDR11,070 (4.8x ’24F P/B).