Automotive - Automotive Sector

Automotive - Honda considers several factors before increasing selling price

09 Juli 2024

Automotive - Honda considers several factors before increasing selling price Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) is still considering various factors to adjust the selling price of cars on the market. As is known, the rupiah exchange rate has still been fluctuating above the level of IDR16,000 per US dollar in recent times. Honda Prospect Motor Sales & Marketing and Aftersales Director Yusak Billy said that the rupiah exchange rate is indeed one of the factors that influences the pricing strategy for a motor vehicle product, although it is not the sole factor. So, HPM always tries to provide the best value for consumers in terms of products and prices. Currently, HPM is still in the consideration period for adjusting car prices, which are influenced by pressure on the rupiah exchange rate. In addition, the selling price of Honda cars outside the Jakarta area is possible to increase due to adjustments in transportation costs and so on. Furthermore, HPM always provides various sales programs that make it easier for consumers to own their vehicles. This program can also compensate if there is an adjustment in the price of a Honda car. In the future, HPM will also continue to monitor movements in economic conditions to determine the next strategy. (Source : Kontan)

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