TLKM - Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero)

TLKM - Eyes to push InfraCo

05 Juni 2023

Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TLKM) is eyeing to expand Infrastructure segment as part of its five bold moves strategy following Indihome spin-off, aimed to optimize asset monetization. For the starter, the company is planning to consolidate its infrastructure assets including fiber in order to strengthen enterprise businesses. (Source : Bisnis Indonesia) Comment : We are sanguine on TLKM’s move to consolidate its whole assets will be able to release its potential that has yet to be fully monetized. TLKM is deemed to be the largest infra communication company by its vast assets and customers base, yet still have a considerable leeway for future growth thanks to its sound leverage and cash position despite demanding EV/EBITDA valuation compared to peers.

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