TOWR - Sarana Menara Nusantara

TOWR - Subsidiaries ink telco infra partnership with SSIA

06 Desember 2022

Subsidiaries of Sarana Menara Nusantara (TOWR), Protelindo-iForte and Surya Semesta Internusa (SSIA) have inked an agreement with Subang Smartpolitan to build a tower and fiber optic network in integrated township in Subang. The project is designed by West Java vernment aiming to improve investment and regional economy. (Source : Company) Comment: The partnership is a od sign for TOWR that has been eyeing for fiber optic expansion as it mid-long term objective and as a source of future growth given the penetration of fiber optic in Indonesia is still considerably low. In addition, Indonesia is gearing up for 5G adaptation in near future. Previously, TOWR has acquired around 10,000 km of fiber optic assets in early 2022, making up its fiber assets to 120,000 km.

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