Banking - Bank Muamalat Provides IDR2 tn in Financing to Muhammadiyah
Banking - Bank Muamalat Provides IDR2 tn in Financing to Muhammadiyah Bank Muamalat Indonesia is committed to providing financing facilities for Muhammadiyah amounting to IDR2 tn. This financing cooperation is one of the points of the strategic cooperation between Bank Muamalat and Muhammadiyah. Bank Muamalat Director Karno said that the loan funds will be used to develop Muhammadiyah's Charity (AUM), such as hospitals, universities, Islamic boarding schools, and mosques. Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, Haedar Nashir, welcomed the cooperation that has been established between Bank Muamalat and PP Muhammadiyah. Regarding cooperation of a banking nature, Haedar emphasized that there are three prototypes of Muhammadiyah in establishing cooperation with banks. First, Amanah. Second, be affordable and have a mutual agreement. Third, easy. So that there is no difficulty in running Muhammadiyah programs and also being productive. (Source : Kontan)